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Timetables, Station Working & Appendices

The NERA produce a number of timetables; the earliest being the Working Timetable (WTT) of Jan 1861 at a time when the S&DR and N&C had still to be incorporated into the NER. The sparse service provided in 1861 contrasts with the 2 volumes of the winter 1898-99 WTT which demonstrates the growth in suburban traffic around Newcastle, the rise in Anglo Scottish passenger / freight traffic and the pattern of services provided to rural branches in an age prior to competition from motor bus or lorry. The 1927 Mineral Train Timetable for the Newcastle District gives an insight into the regular workings required to move the vast output of the Northumberland coalfield to staith, factory and station. The complex working of passenger trains in and out of the main stations is covered in four ‘station train working’ books covering York (1953), Leeds City (1939), Newcastle and Darlington (both dated 1952).